Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Day Seven - 17:40 and Steady

As I was walking to the doors of The Martial Centre a friend of mine was walking out, dripping in sweat telling me to "ask for Riddick". I'm glad I didn't take his advice...Riddick is an intense WOD given to delinquent and tardy CrossFit participants.

From now on the WOD will be written on the white board in the CrossFit room, along with names and times next to them. Tonight's top female time was something sick like 10:15, geezus!

How I felt...
Just "GITRDONE" as Trudy would say. I'm noticing that we're more focused going through the WOD than we were when we first started, but that could be because we didn't learn any new exercises today - as we'll expect the longer we keep going.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Day Six - T&A Measure Less Today...

Today was the perfect 26 minutes of a great workout. Going with the same group is keeping us all motivated, along with the financial investment we've made and the return on investment by recruiting friends = one free month per person. Trudy is still recovering from her hip alignment (ouch), but should be back in action soon, we miss her. 

Friday, 27 May 2011

Day Five - Summer Flowers

Canadian Tire Garden Centre is open!
The Canadian Tire Garden Centre opened here in Yellowknife today. This is big news for a city of approx. 20,000 people, I had to go. Like CrossFit, gardening is something I'm very new at but, find it very rewarding. I lost track of time planting my new flowers tonight and missed my CrossFit session with my friends. The good news is I was able to go at 9 pm!

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Paleo Meal #1

My "first" Paleo dish
Tonight I decided to act on some of the reading I've been doing on this paleo "diet". Now, don't worry, I'm not going to post daily pictures of what I'm eating, but today feels new to me and I wanted to share.

I read that you should only need to visit the meat, fish and produce sections at the grocery store, so that's what I did. I marched in there, right past the bakery (sigh) and directly to the produce section. I picked up all kinds of vegetables and fruits, keeping in mind that I have to eat all of it in a week, before it goes bad. Then, off to the meat section, right past all of those frozen pizzas, ice cream and juices from concentrate. Here, I picked up Sirloin steaks, extra lean ground beef and chicken breasts. There, done!

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Day Four - Case of the Crab Arm...

Crab Arms
Yes, you read that correctly...I can't straighten out my right arm, thus giving it the name of "crab arm" as John named it tonight.

How I felt...
Tonight's WOD (Workout Of the Day) was TOUGH!! I can't remember the last time I was pushed that hard or felt like puking as much as I did tonight. At times I was dizzy, other times focused, other times I wanted to give up. I really hate whining, but those damn voices in my head kept telling me to give up. My body hurt and I was pushing it. I really need to shed some extra pounds so it'll be easier. I feel like I could have done better, but know that next time I will.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Day Three - You Can Do This

John Stanley, Facility Owner
"Regular people" are John's Stanley's words to describe the people coming in to do CrossFit at The Martial Centre in Yellowknife, he's the Facility Owner.

This is encouraging to me, to know that other people are walking around with sore muscles, waking up from winter hibernation. "Regular people can do this" - I can do this.

How I felt...
Today I felt good, not as sore coming to class this time as last and equally motivated. I certainly wouldn't have done half of the things I did today if I were to go to a gym by myself. Having the trainers there to hold you accountable, track progress and get you in line certainly helps. "Pace yourself, take a step back, but keep doing it - don't get discouraged" - John and Alex both rhyme to me, they've likely said this a hundred times before, but you can hear the sincerity in their voice.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Day Two - No Pain No Gain

How I felt...
Well, the last three days have been painful! My quads were so sore for all of the squats we did Monday...I was like an old lady walking down stairs, taking it one step at a time and holding on to the railing for dear life. At work, I've been using the handicap washroom just so I could use the rail to assist...ah, you get the point.

Tonight, it was nice to get going and warm those muscles up, gaining back the flexibility to stretch after. I actually felt pretty good, my heart was racing and I took breaks as needed to pace myself. Again, was a difference to have someone there checking form, offering tips and support. Having friends there doing the same circuit, motivating each other was powerful as well.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Day One - The Trial Test

Today I joined CrossFit. See the "What is CrossFit?" tab if you aren't sure what CrossFit is and "How Do I Join?" for information on how to join in Yellowknife.

The following entries are going to be a recording of what I accomplished and how I felt in each session I will also have pictorial updates of myself from time to time. It's a way I can record what I am doing, stay motivated and share my experience.