Sunday, 22 May 2011

Day Three - You Can Do This

John Stanley, Facility Owner
"Regular people" are John's Stanley's words to describe the people coming in to do CrossFit at The Martial Centre in Yellowknife, he's the Facility Owner.

This is encouraging to me, to know that other people are walking around with sore muscles, waking up from winter hibernation. "Regular people can do this" - I can do this.

How I felt...
Today I felt good, not as sore coming to class this time as last and equally motivated. I certainly wouldn't have done half of the things I did today if I were to go to a gym by myself. Having the trainers there to hold you accountable, track progress and get you in line certainly helps. "Pace yourself, take a step back, but keep doing it - don't get discouraged" - John and Alex both rhyme to me, they've likely said this a hundred times before, but you can hear the sincerity in their voice.

So how did I do?
Today's WOD (Workout of the Day) was a version of "FRAN" - all the WODs are named like this.

Warm up 
We ran around the building twice in the cool wind, approximately 800m? then did wall squats (thrusting a medicine ball up on the wall and squating, we did 10 of these.

25 chin ups, 25 kettle bell thrusts and 25 box jumps (12 inches high) X 3

That's right, a total of SEVENTY-FIVE of each of the above....HELL YEAH!

As we're leaving John mentions a 30 day Paleo diet challenge starting June 1. Hopefully I can still BBQ all my favorite meats in this diet. Please comment below if you've tried this diet before.

Favorite Quote this week...
"Sweat is your fat cells crying" - Karina

Next post will be Tuesday night. Cheers! 


  1. sam you can eat as much meat as you want, just watch the sugar content in the sauces

  2. Sam, I think Camille has been following this diet...give her a shout.

